Zoharim Students are Preparing for Final Exams at the End of the Year
These students never thought they would graduate high school and here they are are studying tirelessly! We could not be more proud.
Program Updates
June 2, 2023

At the end of the year, the boys at Migdal Ohr's Zoharim Youth Village are focused on one thing and one thing only - their final exams!

"It's pretty crazy," says Dror. "Two years ago graduating high school was the last thing on my mind. I was hopping from club to club, one high to another. Now, I'm sitting here with my Zoharim brothers, enrolled in the IDF, making sure that I can pass this physics exam."

Your faith has given Dror a second chance at life and a desire to succeed in his studies. 

Thank you for following his journey and never giving up on him and all the children at Migdal Ohr!

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