Tu B'Shvat at the Zoharim Youth Village includes teens planting roots, reconnecting with the land, and, in their own way, starting to sprout new life. For decades, the institution has invested in agricultural therapies to help children connect with the earth and slow down from the pace of life on the streets. At all levels of our programs, gardening and a connection to the earth are part of the activities of the school year.
For teen boys and girls in our youth villages, life on campus means being involved in working the land. Tending to the orchards, vineyards, greenhouses, and green spaces - cultivates our students into caring, patient, and committed young leaders. It gives them time away from social media to think deeply about the direction of their lives and where they are headed.
When they graduate, these students take the lessons they have learned from working the land and become the leaders in improving the State of Israel and strengthening the Jewish People.
Below: Students at the Zoharim Youth Village helping local farmers, prepping their own campus for the spring, training to join the army, and focusing on their studies. Most of them have come to live here after a long stint on the streets and detox, therapies, and guidance counseling are a big part of their work behind the scenes.

Below: You can see students from across our schools and youth groups hosting Tu B'Shvat seders with the seven species (7 fruits that grow in Israel) and dozens of other dried fruits and nuts.

May the coming year bear sweet fruits for you and all of Am Yisrael!