This year, our Chag Saveah food distribution campaign was more important than ever! Our teens were especially sensitive to the needs of displaced families and as well as the plight of mothers managing on their own while husbands were off at war.
Teens from the Ohr Yisraeli youth movement, many of whom are from underprivileged backgrounds themselves, stepped up to shop, pack, and deliver thousands of boxes of food staples and treats for the holiday. They gave up countless hours and evenings at the start of hte school year to plan and organize this major food drive in cities across the country.

It was amazing to see that when the soldiers and warehouses that usually operate Chag Saveah were consumed with war-time efforts, our teens rolled up their sleeves to care for the needs of our most vulnerable citizens. They could not stand the thought that someone would be left without food for the holiday!
Chag Saveah La’Yeladim—meaning "a 'full' holiday for the kids"— was started over 18 years ago when teens at Migdal Ohr noticed that many of their friends’ families struggled to afford food for Pesach. The teens sought Rabbi Grossman’s support, and together they created what is now one of Israel’s most impactful food distribution campaigns, providing over 25,000 boxes of food essentials each holiday season. Each package is a symbol of Ahavat Yisrael—a love that unites people from all walks of life.