Rabbi Grossman Joined by the Commander Whose Life He Saved
Miracle! Evyatar, Completely Healed, Came to Spend Shabbat in Migdal HaEmek and Told the Miracle Story in His Own Words!
Rabbi Grossman Stories
July 5, 2024

We recieved an incredible update on the miraculous story of Evyatar Zitouni and Rabbi Grossman! 

Months ago, Rabbi Grossman pulled Evyatar out of a coma with his prayers and the coin of the Lolover Rebbe.

This week, Evyatar came to Migdal Ohr for Shabbat and was standing beside Rabbi Grossman to tell the story in his own words!

May this be a merit and a sign for the healing of ALL our wounded soldiers and terror victims!

Here is the full story of what happened:

Evyatar Zitouni (26) was a commander critically wounded during the fighting at the southern border. The doctors at Soroka Medical Center warned that he was in immediate danger of death. Evyatar was sedated and on a ventilator when Rabbi Grossman approached him with prayers and blessings.

At one point in his prayers, Rabbi Grossman took an ancient coin out of his coat pocket which he received years ago from his teacher and rabbi, the holy Rebbe of Laalov zt”l, and placed it on Evyatar's head as a blessing.

"Rabbi Grossman stood next to Evyatar and prayed and cried out to heaven with enormous power," his mother Natalie recounts with emotion. "Then the rabbi took a coin out of a ragged old wallet, placed it on Evyatar's head and continued the prayers, put it back in, and continued the prayers. All this time Evyatar was sedated.

A few hours later, Avitar suddenly woke up, and told his parents in a broken voice: "Rabbi Grossman was here, he placed an ancient coin on me, I felt a ‘BOOM’ and I was pulled back to life out of my coma. I knew then that I would come out of this safely.”

Natalie and Yaron, Evyatar's parents have not been able to sleep since the beginning of the war. Besides Evyatar they have two other sons who are officers in the south, and their eldest daughter is in the reserves. "It is impossible to describe what we see and hear, I am full of stories and pray every day for the safety of all the soldiers, my children, and Evyatar’s recovery. I want to spread Evyatar’s miracle."

Later in the week, the rabbi visited the paratroopers' base and met with the Nahal brigade, officers, and soldiers to whom the rabbi told the story of Evyatar and the coin, giving them coins themselves, to give to charity upon their safe return. “Those who are emissaries for a mitzvah are not harmed,” he told them.

Article in Hebrew here:


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