New Construction on Campus Despite the War
We are continuing to build and grow our campus no matter how much our enemies try to destroy us!
National News
August 12, 2024

As our enemies attempt our destruction, we are actively working on construction! 

Two dorms are being built right now, and in a few months, they will be home to 60 at-risk boys living at the Zoharim Youth Village. Each apartment will house 3-4 roommates with a common area, bathroom, kitchen, computer area, and balcony.

We're also building a new school with 12 classrooms and 11 mixed-use spaces, such as a library and a computer lab.

The boys come to Migdal Ohr seeking more than just a roof over their heads—they come for a fresh start, a place where they can find family, discover themselves, and begin building their futures. It’s not just bricks and mortar; it’s creating a foundation for brighter futures, one where these young men can truly thrive.

We’re also improving the campus at Migdal Haemek so that it can one day continue to be a home for thousands of children!

During the war, it is incredible to see our supporters from across the globe unite to build and strengthen Israeli society. 

This is YOUR victory - building and expanding housing and support for Israels' vulnerable children. 

May we only grow in strength and continue to build together!

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