Inspiring “Taste of Light” Chef Dinner Connects Donors to the Reality in Israel
Our 4th Annual Culinary Experience Inspired Supporters to Connect to Israel’s Neediest Children
Donor Stories
August 16, 2024

Migdal Ohr recently hosted its fourth annual "Taste of Light" dinner—an exclusive chef’s evening to support Israel’s most vulnerable children and newly orphaned children after Oct 7th. The event was held in a private home and focused on meaningful connections between the reality on the ground for children in Israel and the community that cares about them abroad. It featured a carefully curated menu by Chef Sruli Subar with premium wine pairings by Wine Expert from Royal Wines Gabe Geller.

The funds raised went directly towards providing essentials, education, and empowerment for the children at Migdal Ohr and to supporting newly orphaned children from October 7th. It was an uplifting night that enabled us to come together to heal and rebuild Israel by raising the next generation of orphaned and at-risk youth.

Rabbi Grossman was so moved by the spirit of togetherness and generosity that he recorded a special message to thank everyone who participated in the event. The Rav’s words captured the essence of the evening and the difference we are all making together.

Thank you to Adam Sasouness who began the night with beautiful words of Torah and a siyum (completion of a book of Torah). 

We heard from our Director of Development, Mickey Flaumenhaft, who spoke about his decision to stay and serve with his unit in Gaza and the need for each of us to step up and act on our values when the Jewish People are in crisis.

Committee Member Daniel Klein gave an extremely moving speech about the connections he’s been able to form with the families from Kfar Aza. He said, “In all the chaos and pain of this war, Migdal Ohr has done what it always does. Rabbi Grossman and the entire organization have run out in front to comfort, help, and connect to those most impacted by Oct 7th.”

AFMO Executive Director, Atara Solow, shared that the entire evening had a sense of unity and a sense that we are all one FAMILY. “The people in the room really understood and felt the heart of what we are doing. We were all completely united in our mission. That’s not something to take for granted! There are many ways for people to get involved and I cannot wait to see what ELSE we will do together.”

Thank you to our gracious hosts Lauren and Naftali Schuss and our dynamic and dedicated Taste of Light chairs who made the event such an incredible success: Anna and Daniel Klein, Livia and Elias Marcovici, Lauren and Naftali Schuss, and Mor and Alphonse Soued. 

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