For over 50 years, Rabbi Grossman has been more than just a teacher, more than just a leader—he has been a father figure to tens of thousands of children at Migdal Ohr. Of all of the high-profile visits that he hosts in his home, perhaps his most cherished meetings are with the children who he has whole-heartedly committed to raising with warmth and love.
Recently, our Machshava Elementary School ran a “Meirim” program - a special initiative designed to nurture positive character traits and reward exemplary behavior. These fourth graders spent weeks striving to be the best versions of themselves—earning points for coming prepared to class, raising their hands, completing their homework, and being helpful to their teachers and peers.
And what was the ultimate prize? A personal visit to the home of Rabbi Grossman himself! For these young boys, the visit was more than just a reward—it was an affirmation of their hard work and their place in the Migdal Ohr family. Rabbi Grossman quizzed them on the Torah they had learned, engaging them in thoughtful discussion and encouraging them to keep going!
It was a moment they will never forget—their beloved rabbi, taking the time to celebrate their achievements, investing in their futures, and making them feel seen and cherished.