Alumni Project to Connect with Peers at Raves and Provide a Safe Space to Get Help
A safe space away from the noise of life on the streets has been serving the teens of Tiveria
Alumni Today
July 31, 2024

In Israel, a “zula” is a special kind of haven—a safe, drug and alcohol-free space where teens can escape the chaos of a rave or take a breather from life on the streets. 

It’s a place where they can just be themselves and find some peace.

Every year, the teens from Zoharim Youth Village create their own zula along the Kineret (the Sea of Galilee).

They’re there to provide their peers with whatever they need - a warm welcome, a listening ear, some food, or any kind of support.

This year, the Kineret Zula has truly come into its own. Throughout the year, Zoharim alumni and youth from other villages have been busy creating zulas at raves and staying in touch with the teens they met. Some have even visited them at home, helping them find their place at youth villages and schools where they can truly belong.

Now that summer is here, the Kineret Zula has officially launched! The alumni who organized it have worked hard to raise their own funds, meet with social workers, and engage in team-building activities. 

This year, the zula is not just a drop-in space anymore; it’s an invitation-only haven for the teens who have been involved throughout the year. These teens are now taking on responsibilities like daily cleaning and food prep, which has given them a real sense of ownership, responsibility, and pride in their space.

There have also been several shabbatons arranged with them at Zoharim, strengthening the connections between the teens and the dorm families.

The Kineret Zula is more than just a safe space—it’s an expression of love and care between teens who have been on the streets and their peers who need help.

It’s amazing to see our alumni stepping up and caring for others - just as they were cared for as teens. These youth have truly learned the values of “ahavat chinam” or self-less love and are making sure that their peers have somewhere to turn. 

Thank you for empowering youth at-risk and ensuring that Israeli society is filled with young leaders that can identify problems and take positive action to solve them!

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