Care for Orphaned and Underprivileged Children in Israel this Purim
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Chag Sameach! Purim is the holiday when a young orphaned girl saved the entire Jewish People! Like you, Mordechai believed in her and helped her to become the confident woman who saved the Jewish people.
Today, there are thousands of Esthers growing up in Israel who need your help to get the essentials, education, and empowerment they need to reach their potential.
A gift this Purim puts smiles on their faces and gives them the encouragement to know that someone truly cares.
About Migdal Ohr
For 50 remarkable years, Migdal Ohr has had an outsized impact on Israeli society by raising tens of thousands of engaged citizens who are now leaders raising their own Jewish families.
Migdal Ohr cares for every single child's individual needs and has completely changed how youth at-risk grow up in Israel. Thank you for helping us to transform the future of our society - one child at a time.
Donations are 100% secure and tax deductible.
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