Kids Preparing for Purim by Spreading Cheer Across Israel
Program Updates
March 18, 2024

Wherever you find Migdal Ohr youth, you find helpers! You find leaders ready to take responsibility for those around them who are suffering and who don't have anyone to care for them.

Our Ohr Yisraeli youth branch in Beer Sheva created activities for children who are spending Purim in the hospital. They arrived to bring joy, full of smiles, and ready to go!

Follow their lead and find someone that you can uplift!

At the Zoharim Boys Youth Village, teens held an annual carnival for disadvantaged children and families from the surrounding community. There is never a situation where our youth are unaware of the situation around them and where they don’t feel empowered to take action. Although these boys themselves were in need of help just a little while ago, today, they are the helpers!

Rabbi Grossman and their mentors at Migdal Ohr teach them to see a need and spring into action. Today, they are teens running a Purim carnival, tomorrow they will be the leaders of Israel, making decisions that affect all of us.

Happy Purim!

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