Donors Sponsor a Wedding for Decorated Soldier and Zoharim Alumnus
From a criminal record to the Presidential Award and now, the chuppah!
Alumni Today
April 10, 2024

We want to wish a huge Mazal Tov to our alumnus Yosef, 24, from Kiryat Ye'ariim and his wife, Rivka, who got married just before Pesach!

Yosef was living on the northern border in Metula on Oct 7th when he was called up for military service. He served as a paratrooper in Gaza and later conducted ground operations there. During his active service, Yosef had the distinct honor of receiving the President’s Award which is only given to a few select soldiers each year. This was a true accomplishment as Yosef had originally been exempt from service due to his criminal past. He not only fought to be allowed to serve, but then insisted to try out for an elite combat unit! His time at Migdal Ohr truly taught Yosef what it meant to be a leader in Am Yisrael!

After Oct 7th, Yosef and his fiancée, Rivka, were evacuated from the north and have not been back since. They left all of their belongings and even their car!

When he was released from reserve duty, Yosef had a major realization about his priorities in his life and proposed to Rivka. Today, Rivka is studying in Jerusalem and Yosef is working in home repairs while getting his real estate license.

Last week, Migdal Ohr had the privilege to walk this couple down the aisle in a beautiful, moving wedding. The wedding is a testament to the strength of the Jewish people to not just remain in Israel but to build strong Jewish families and plant roots in our homeland!

Thank you to every donor who has enabled Yosef’s journey from the time that he was an at-risk youth until today when he is a proud reserve soldier, young leader, and husband.

YOU are creating stories like these and ensuring that we have a bright and prosperous future!

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