Daily Giving Founders Visit with Rabbi Grossman at Migdal Ohr with Hostage Idan Shtivi's Mother
Subtitle: Rav Grossman welcomed supporters from Daily Giving and mother of hostage Idan Shtivi
Donor Stories
March 14, 2024

This week, we had an extremely moving visit at Migdal Ohr from Daily Giving’s co-founders Jonathan Donath and Shlomo Ressler. Migdal Ohr is a beneficiary of Daily Giving’s generous community. We have been able to transform the lives of thousands of at-risk youth and people affected by the war thanks to Daily Giving’s generous grants.

Daily Giving brought Dalit Oron, the mother of Idan Shtivi, who is currently being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

Idan, 28, is an amateur photographer and student who came to the Nova Festival to photograph the party when the brutal massacre began. He ran away in his car and was hit by a terrorist ambush. Idan’s friends were murdered and he was kidnapped to Gaza. It's been 159 torturous days since Idan disappeared.

Rabbi Grossman gave Dalit strength telling her that thousands of students at Migdal Ohr are praying for the safe return of the hostages every single day. The Rav also blessed Dalit to hear good news soon and encouraged her not to give up.

An especially moving moment was when the Migdal Ohr Boy’s Choir dedicated Naomi Shemer’s iconic song “Lu Yehi” (Let it be), to Dalit. They sang the lyrics, written about the Yom Kippur War, which expressed hope for an end to the war and a return to peace.

We are all praying for the return of Idan and all 134 hostages still in Gaza. Until then, we are embracing their families and continuing to sing…

"Let it be, let it be"

All that you hope for, let it be.”

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