Magen Yisrael: Help get families from massacred communities to safety

The PTSD, trauma, and grief that our brothers and sisters in Israel are now reeling from are simply unfathomable. They have lived through everyone’s worst nightmare and are left homeless, shaken, and in shock.

We must act NOW to help them get to safety and provide for their needs while they process and heal from the immense tragedy that they have endured.

Migdal Ohr needs your help in a large scale effort called "Magen Yisrael" to relocate and provide for over 1,500 victims of the massacres in the south.

We are transporting families from the communities and kibbutzim bordering Gaza to two major hotels in Jerusalem. There, we are taking it upon ourselves to provide for all of their emerging needs until they have a plan for where to go.

The needs are ever changing as the situation unfolds, yet, we have committed ourselves to staying with each family until they are safely settled and the crisis is over. Long-term, there is discussion of helping them to rebuild their lives, continue in therapy, and possibly even relocate to caravans until they can resettle in new homes.

With your help, we are committed to providing the following:

- Bus transportation to Jerusalem
- Lodging expenses at the hotels
- Three hot meals a day
- Childcare and babysitting
- Laundry services
- Activities and entertainment
- Grief counseling and trauma therapy
- Clothing, shoes, toiletries, basic needs

This is a Herculean effort but one that we must undertake. We cannot abandon our families in their time of their greatest despair.

Seeing the immense suffering that they have endured, we must work to provide relief and comfort in every way that we can.

Please join us in wrapping our arms around these traumatized families and children and reassure them that the worst has past. They are relying us in a crisis of epic proportions and we cannot leave them alone, again.

We will continue to update every single donor on the impact and direction of the initiative, letting you know how the children and families are doing and what the needs are as they emerge.

Thank you for your on-going outpouring of support and solidarity.

Atara Solow
Executive Director, American Friends of Migdal Ohr

Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman
Founder and Dean, Migdal Ohr


“Migdal Ohr is the essence of what the Jewish State, the Jewish People and Zionism is all about…”

–  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

"...Your work is vital in ensuring the strength of our Nation. All who participate in this sacred task are making the greatest contribution possible to the People of Israel..."

- Moshe Arens, Former Minister of Defense

"...The concern and support given to Israel by Rabbi Grossman, by you, and the entire American Jewish Community is a source of special encouragement to us in these historic days..."

- Ariel Sharon, Former Prime Minister

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